Lost Coast Outpost ran a piece focusing on all the brand new candidates running in Eureka's Ward One. Here's the Money Excerpt:
He said that Take Back Eureka, a citizens’ group “fed up with the way things are progressing in the City of Eureka,” held a series of meetings looking to recruit candidates to run from the various council seats up for election; finding no one from the First Ward, Mantova said, he decided to up sticks and move into the ward himself. (Though it wasn’t the only reason for the move, he said – the fact that his store, Mantova’s Two Street Music, is within walking distance is also nice.)
Mantova agreed that very few people in the ward are aware of which ward they live in, and so don’t much seem to care that, as of a few months ago, he lived a couple of blocks outside the boundary. The True Ward system, he said, was a boon for candidates for office – that many fewer doors to knock on – but he didn’t think it served the city that well. With four candidates for office in one fifth of the city, the next councilmember from the First Ward could be chosen by just a couple of hundred voters.
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